Walking Buildings

If I were you, I would look both ways before crossing the street. Just because, you know...you could literally walk out into the path of an oncoming building…Because this is actually a thing. {{takes long sip of coffee}}I’m talking about draglines - giant crane-like buildings. Some of them have the ability to "walk". And ifContinue reading "Walking Buildings"

Leisurely Drives and Road Signs

Today we will talk about work driving. Something most of us do, whether we drive company cars or trucks for work or drive our own vehicles to accomplish work errands. “But why does it say ‘leisurely’ in the title?” you may ask..."This is work after all, right? Aren’t you on the clock??" Because, sometimes yourContinue reading "Leisurely Drives and Road Signs"

A Land That Tries to Kill You

Australia has often been touted as the land with the most dangerous creatures, both quantity- and quality-wise. And from what I have read and the pictures I have seen, I do believe it!And yet, many people love Australia and call it home. The danger factor doesn’t seem to sway them too much. That being said,Continue reading "A Land That Tries to Kill You"

Cutting With Pure Oxygen

(Note - this short little article was one I originally wrote back in February of 2019 for my Facebook friends. Thought I would add it here for you all to enjoy - E) So I learned yet another new thing today and I am nerding out about it!! :)I work for my Dad's welding businessContinue reading "Cutting With Pure Oxygen"

Can You Hear Me Now??

In a "normal" household, Dads tell their kids to turn their music down. We were always asking our Dad to turn the volume down... Growing up in a household where one parent was partially deaf was fun and never, ever boring! We didn't have to learn sign language, because Dad could always hear out ofContinue reading "Can You Hear Me Now??"

Need Some Proper PPE?

We trust you are all staying safe during the resurgence of this pandemic. We have been working this whole time, wearing our carefully curated PPE... We here at Gary’s Welding Inc. are firm believers in proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Without it, our work would be, ummm, pretty painful and downright dangerous. Here are aContinue reading "Need Some Proper PPE?"

‘Adventures’ in Welding, Part 2

Yet More Cautionary Tales to Brighten Your Day If you haven’t read the first post in this series, check it out here…https://garysweldinginc.com/2017/10/19/adventures-in-welding-and-other-cautionary-tales/Just to recap, last time, we shared a few harrowing “adventures” that we have had in the welding biz. So, let’s get down to even more welding shrapnel (brass tacks??), shall we? I wasContinue reading "‘Adventures’ in Welding, Part 2"


Yes, that's right...Gary's Welding Inc. turns 30 years old this month!! Wayyyyy back in August of 1989, who would have known we would see 30? Check out our post here to see a little walk down memory lane (complete with some of our all-time favorite pictures)... A huge THANK YOU all of our customers!! ToContinue reading "30!!!!!!!"